Rugby Reloaded #137 - The 'Corinthian Spirit', soccer and amateurism with Prof Dil Porter

You often hear talk about the 'Corinthian Spirit' in sport. But who were the Corinthians? And why has the club's name passed into the folklore of almost all the football codes?

This week's 'Rugby Reloaded' talks to Professor Dil Porter about his book 'English Gentlemen and World Soccer: Corinthians, Amateurism and the Global Game' (co-written with Dr Chris Bolsmann) which looks at the history of Corinthian FC and examines the myths which surround the club.

Could they really defeat professional soccer clubs very easily? Did they always refuse to take penalty kicks because they considered it 'ungentlemanly'? Dil digs deep into Corinthian history to separate fact from fiction.

The book, English Gentlemen and World Soccer: Corinthians, Amateurism and the Global Game by Dilwyn Porter and Chris Bolsmann is available from Routledge here.

Corinthians 1897.jpg
